Coronavirus Summary May 2020

Table of Contents

  1. Housing minister Robert Jenrick defends the UK government’s record on care homes following criticism
  2. UK says it has missed its 100,000 tests target again
  3. People in England who cannot work from home have been encouraged to return to their workplaces
  4. Unlimited exercise, meeting a friend at the park and moving house are also now allowed, under new rules
  5. The UK economy contracted by 2% in the first three months of the year, official figures show
  6. The top US infectious diseases doctor has warned of “needless suffering and death” if the country opens up too soon
  7. Brazil sees a record daily rise in the number of virus deaths, as President Bolsanaro insists the economy must be allowed to run
  8. India announces $264bn (£216bn) rescue package to spur small and medium businesses
  9. Russia orders a stop to the use of ventilators believed to have caused two fires at coronavirus hospitals
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